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Level 2 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work (QCF)

  •  Price from £64.99
  •  Duration 1 Day

This includes training assessment and certification for the EFAW qualification.

About Level2 Award in Emergency First Aid

The Level 2 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work (QCF) meets The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 in respect of First Aid at Work and is aimed at individuals who intend to develop and gain formal recognition of their knowledge, understanding and skills of first aid at work. The course duration is 1 day and the qualification is applicable to those who work or intend to work for a range of organisations, as all employers are required by law to have First Aid provision for their employees. By completing the single mandatory unit, all learners will cover the essentials of First Aid, including roles and responsibilities, incident assessment and managing and administering First Aid to casualties in a variety of situations. These situations could relate to breathing, chocking, bleeding, shock and minor injuries. Objectives of the qualification include preparing learners to progress to a qualification in the same subject area but at a higher level or requiring more specific knowledge, skills and understanding, meeting relevant programmes of learning, preparing learners for employment and supporting a role in the workplace.

Progression after Level 2 Emergency First Aid

Learners who achieve the Level 2 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work (QCF) can progress to the Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work (QCF) using credits already achieved as they feature a common unit (time restrictions apply).

They can also progress to other qualifications in the sector, including the Level 2 Award in Paediatric Emergency First Aid (QCF) and the Level 2 Award in Paediatric First Aid (QCF).

Structure of Emergency first aid Training

To achieve the Level 2 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work (QCF), learners must achieve 1 credit from the single mandatory unit. This qualification is not graded successful learners achieve a pass.

Assessment of Level 2 Award In Emergency First Aid

Assessment of this qualification is by Portfolio of Evidence and Practical Demonstration/ Assignment which is quality assured by the awarding body concerned. The Achievement Record Workbook provided by the awarding body, and available to download from the awarding organization, would be used if it is a QCF qualification.

The demonstration of practical skills: These can be assessed during or after delivery, a record of the learner’s performance must be completed by the assessor in the Achievement Record Workbook. Internal Verification would be carried out.

The knowledge-based components: These would be assessed by written question and answer or by oral questioning; questions are available in the Achievement Record/Workbook. If using written question and answer this should be internally marked by the assessor.


Level 2 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work (QCF) certificates are valid for 3 years. In order to re-qualify after 3 years learners would be assessed against all learning outcomes and assessment criteria in the units. Learners would require re-qualify prior to the expiry of their held qualification.

 Learner Entry Requirements for Emergency First Aid

There are no formal entry requirements. However, learners should be able to work at level 2 or above. They must be physically capable of completing the practical activities involved.

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