SIA Close Protection Course

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SIA Close Protection Course

Close Protection SIA licenceGeneral information about Close Protection qualification

  • Guided learning hours 194
  • Credit value 24
  • Days: 18 days
  • Close Protection £1850

We are an approved training provider and you can also check us on the SIA website our trading name is 1 Ace Training. We aim to provide you with quality training at the most competitive prices in UK. Our training solutions are tailored around you.


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The close protection qualification linking to a SIA licences can be completed in a period of eighteen days. However you have to remember that in order to complete this qualification you would be required to demonstrate that you have dedication and commitment to finish the close protection training over a period of eighteen days and for this period of time it shall be a full time commitment at your end as regards to time and resources

The Certificate in Close Protection is a qualification for individuals who work or would like to work as Close Protection Officers. It is based on the SIA Specification for Learning and Qualifications for Close Protection Operatives and in Conflict Management. Successful completion of the qualification enables learners to apply for an SIA Close Protection licence. The qualification covers legislation, responsibilities and roles relevant to people working in the close protection industry; including: threat assessment, risk management, surveillance techniques, venue security operations, designing and demonstrating operational planning, interpersonal skills, teamwork, reconnaissance, conducting close protection foot drills, planning and selecting routes, vehicle movement tactics and operations, search techniques and procedures, and conflict management techniques. Objectives of this qualification are: meeting relevant programmes of learning, preparing learners for employment and supporting a role in the workplace.


Assessment is by multiple choice exam and Practical Demonstration/Assignment

Theory: The Multiple choice examination must be carried out under exam conditions and a full SIA Identification check must be completed.

Practical : Demonstration of practical skills: This element is internally assessed by the centre and quality assured by awarding organization

Who should do the qualification?

If you dream of working as a body guard i.e. close protection operative for celebrities and want to experience glamour of the rich and famous plus you have a passion for security, this is the qualification for you. After doing the SIA close protection training you would be able to apply for the highly esteemed close protection licences from SIA which will allow you to work as a close protection officer in the United Kingdom, you may also escort and accompany celebrities and dignitaries to other countries.

How much can I earn?

After doing the close protection training you can earn up to £400 per day depending upon your experience and profile.

General information about Close Protection qualification

  • Guided learning hours 194
  • Credit value 24
  • Assessment method to include portfolio of evidence, physical tasks as well as multiple choice questions

Qualification Overview Close Protection Qualification

Level 3 qualification in Close Protection has been developed by the awarding bodies to meet the requirements of the Security Industry Authority (SIA). It is based on the relevant SIA Specifications for Learning and Qualifications and provides the learner with the necessary knowledge and understanding for those who wish to apply for an SIA licence and work as a Close Protection operative within the Private Security Industry

Entry requirements for Close Protection training

There are no restrictions however the learner should be 18 and above and have competency on English.

What would you learn in close protection training

  • Understand the legislation that is relevant to people working in the close protection industry.
    • Identify the differences between civil, common and criminal law
    • State the main aims of the Private Security Industry Act
    • Identify the main functions of the Security Industry Authority and other key bodies within the private security industry
    • Identify aspects of human rights legislation that are relevant to the private security industry
    • State the data protection principles outlined in data protection legislation
    • Describe types of discrimination that can occur in the workplace
    • Identify how equal opportunities legislation applies in the workplace.
  • Understand the roles and responsibilities of the Close Protection Operative
    • Explain the purpose of close protection
    • Describe the attributes required of close protection operative
    • Explain the different roles and responsibilities within a close protection team
    • Explain the difference between a client and a principal
    • Identify the different types of principal in the close protection environment
    • Explain the importance of personal security within a close protection environment
    • Explain the need for situational awareness within different working environments
    • Explain the need for close protection training and continuous professional development (CPD).
  • Know the importance of threat assessment and risk management
    • Carry out a threat and risk assessment
    • Explain the purpose of threat and risk assessments
    • Describe threat and risk assessment techniques
    • Explain the main threats to a principal within the close protection environment
    • Describe how threat assessment and risk management can vary when a principal is arriving at or leaving a destination
    • Explain the importance of dynamic assessment, response and contingency plans
    • Describe the threat categories
    • Explain how Close Protection Operatives within the UK gather operational intelligence.
  • Know Surveillance techniques
    • Demonstrate surveillance techniques
    • Describe the types of people or organisations who might be carrying out surveillance on your principal
    • Describe surveillance techniques
    • Identify equipment used to assist in surveillance
    • Explain the limitations and capabilities of a range of equipment used to assist in surveillance.
  • Understand venue security operations
    • Produce a plan for venue security
    • Identify venue related security operations
    • Explain the importance of liaison with venue security
    • Identify factors that influence operational plans at various venues
    • Explain the use of communication equipment and other technology used in venue based close protection operations
    • Describe contingencies used in venue-based close protection operations
    • Describe counter measures used in venue-based close protection operations.
  • Know how to design and demonstrate operational planning
    • Design and implement an operational plan
    • Conduct a team briefing
    • Explain the purpose of operational planning
    • Explain how threat and risk assessments affect operational planning
    • Explain the importance of briefing and de-briefing
    • Explain the importance of time and resource management
    • Identify agencies that may need to be contacted in the course of operational planning.
  • Know the importance of interpersonal skills
    • Demonstrate effective negotiation skills
    • Describe the interpersonal skills that are required of a Close Protection Operative
    • Explain the importance of effective communication within the close protection environment
    • Explain the need for clear decision making and direction
    • Explain the importance of etiquette and protocol when dealing with principals.
  • Know the importance of teamwork
    • Demonstrate team working skills
    • Describe the attributes and skills of an effective close protection team
    • Explain the importance of personal and team preparation
    • State why Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are important for effective teamwork
  • Know the importance of reconnaissance
    • Conduct a reconnaissance
    • Explain the purpose of reconnaissance
    • Describe factors to be considered when conducting a reconnaissance
    • Describe the role of the Security Advance Party (SAP)
    • Explain the difference between covert and overt reconnaissance.
  • Know how to conduct close protection foot drills
    • Demonstrate close protection foot formations
    • Demonstrate body protection of a principal
    • Demonstrate foot evacuation of a principal
    • Describe the individual roles within a close protection team on foot
    • Describe the responsibilities of a close protection operative on foot
    • Explain the need to adopt a flexible approach on foot
    • Identify the range of communication used on foot
  • Know the importance of planning and selecting routes
    • Interpret information from maps
    • Produce primary and secondary route plans
    • Explain the need for route selection and contingency planning
    • Explain the factors that need to be considered when carrying out route selection
    • Describe the range of technological tools used in route planning.
  • Know vehicle movement tactics and operations
    • Carry out embus and debus drills
    • Carry out convoy drills
    • Carry out anti ambush drills
    • Carry out a basic evacuation procedure with a vehicle
    • Explain the safety and security checks to be taken to ensure vehicle security before, during and after journeys
    • Describe the factors involved in choosing a vehicle
    • Explain the need for alternative transport plans
    • Explain protocol for vehicle use
    • Explain how road traffic legislation affects the use of vehicles by close protection operatives
    • Describe the variety of vehicle and driving arrangements which impact on the role of the close protection operative and team.
  • Know the search techniques and procedures for close protection operations
    • Explain the procedures for searching and the implications under UK legislation
    • Explain the legal and access implications if someone refuses to be searched at a point of entry
    • Explain the importance of post search security
    • Describe the technology and support available to assist in a search
    • Describe how to deal with unauthorised/dangerous objects and apply emergency procedures
  • Know how to apply conflict management techniques while providing close protection
    • Demonstrate techniques used to avoid and defuse conflict situations
    • Describe potential conflict situations that could arise in the close protection context
    • Describe the different levels of threat in potential and actual conflict situations
    • Identify common triggers and inhibitors
    • Explain the basic elements of communication
    • Explain the importance of non-verbal communication in conflict situations
    • Explain the importance of adopting an appropriate initial response in a conflict situation
    • Describe the attitude/behaviour cycle and how to prevent escalation of conflict.
    • Describe ways of avoiding potential conflict situations whilst providing close protection
    • Describe techniques used to defuse potential conflict situations
    • Describe how to manage anger and aggression in conflict situations
    • Describe the effects of stress within a close protection environment
    • Explain techniques for dealing with conflict.


Venues for Close protection Training

Since the SIA close protection training is highly logistics intensive thus the training will be conducted in one centralized venue in London, likewise in Manchester and Birmingham.

In London the close protection training venues can be according to the geographical division of greater London. Our head office is in Forest gate Stratford which has excellent communication links from UK and within London.

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