First Aid

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First Aid Training London

The first aid qualifications are of two types accredited and non accredited. We provide accredited and non accredited qualifications as per your requirement.

Accredited 1st aid qualifications

The accredited first aid qualifications are at level 2 and level 3.

The first aid qualifications allow you to be the appointed or qualified person for premises. The first aid at work qualification is very important if you want to work in the security industry. The best combination that is likely to get you a job quickly is the door supervisor plus CCTV and 1st qualification.

You may require a first aid qualification as well if you are working as a self employed. Every venue needs a first aider. However in security the requirement is further amplified have a reading of the scenario below


Scenario why first aid training is required

You are working as an agency employee for a particular company. The company sends you on a night shift at a particular venue. You might require a valid first aid certificate as every venue as per law needs a qualified first aider. Obviously you would not expect that at night the venue would arrange for a separate first aider to look after the people at that venue. The site on which you are working might be a corporate building office site and you probably would be the qualified first aider after office hours during your shift.

Venues for first aid training in London

Depending on corporate clients or individual clients, we can arrange to provide training at any suitable venue. Most of our courses for first aid are in London and our training hub in east London can cater for areas to include, forestgate, Rumford, Stratford, Ilford, Barking, Eastham, Newham, Essex and Kent, Central and West London.

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